S4E15: Running UP Mountains - Michelle reviews Swiss Alps 100, ultrarunning, and specificity
Michelle goes solo to recap her Swiss Alps 100 Endurance Run experience. After months of training, she shares the lessons learned and the biggest takeaways - doing things for yourself, widening your spectrum of perspective, having skin in the game, the validity in athletic experience for coaching, seeking out experiences vs. being a competitor, and what’s next. Listen, subscribe, and tell your friends…
Reframe Performance: https://www.reframeperformance.com/
Reframe Performance Free Guide- 6 Biggest Weight Training Mistakes Runners Make: https://www.reframeperformance.com/weight-training-runners-mistakes-guide
Contact Michelle: https://www.michelleboland-training.com/
or @dr.michelleboland
Contact Tim: https://www.timrichardt.com/
or @tim_richardt_dpt