Programming for General Population Athleticism Replay
This video is a replay from the Training Call on November 18th 2020.
Learn how to create athletic-style programs for your inactive clients.
-Michelle Boland
Become A Highly-Sought After Coach That Gets Results.
Whether you are just beginning or looking to improve your coaching skills, you are probably feeling like your coaching or programming isn’t getting the best results for your clients.
I get it.
The landscape of continuing education and academics is failing us as coaches:
- Most certifications miss key coaching variables and principles
- seminars expect you to take in months of information within a quick weekend
- the academic system is too focused on one element of coaching
- books don’t provide practical experience
- coaches rarely show themselves teaching beginner athletes
- and there is no course out there that provides access to all the variables that contribute to coaching success.
Which is exactly why I created the NEW Strategy Complete Coaching Course!
After you finish the course you will have the training knowledge and the organizational tools to be able to utilize knowledge appropriately. You will also get the skills to start creating your OWN framework to become A COMPLETE and highly-sought after COACH.
In the course, I lay out the 4 Pillars of Complete Coaching and how to master each pillar to maximize your programming efficiency and coaching effectiveness so your clients and athletes will adhere and get long lasting results!
Yes, I'm In!