The MBT Professional Mentorship is designed to support coaches, personal trainers, physical therapists, and movement professionals in their professional careers and personal development.

The mentorship is designed forĀ you, to getĀ better at what you do.

A mentor provides the following, to foster rapid professional growth and better client outcomes:

  • An experienced perceptive
  • Accountability
  • Strategies for removing obstacles
  • A helpful hand to help you see things you cannot perceive on your own
  • A source of information that you have not had access to


I have been lucky enough to have had several mentors throughout my career that have provided support and guidance in my career choices and coaching decisions.

I now can offer the same.

We will work together to develop principles that will serve to guide your decision making and organizational strategies that will provide effective and efficient programming.

To truly become better, innovate, and accurately evaluate we need to be exposed to different opinions, beliefs, ideas, and viewpoints.

A mentor-mentee relationship is two people working together to bring out the best and enhance the growth of one. This relationship is necessary for turning failures into lessons andĀ turning previous experiences into behavior to emulate.

Time, money, and travel may limit decisions about professional growth opportunities but in our current technology climate, we can access mentors from afar.

Sources of content such as weekend seminars and online courses can be great for consuming new information, but ongoing growth and innovation needs conversation, implementation skills, and context from personal experience through a mentor that cannot be acquired in books or at courses.

Especially if you are self-employed or working in a gym, there isn't always someone to push you to get better.Ā 

Work directly with meĀ by signing up for the monthly professional mentorship subscription below and I look forward to working with you!

Contact Michelle

“Working with Michelle has been such a unique experience. She has a true gift in helping people discover their authentic selves, then being able to communicate that with others. The end result is finding the right customer for YOU and the best fit for THEM!

I strongly believe that every individual practitioner, and every fitness/performance business could use Michelle’s work as a foundational aspect of their enterprise. I give the highest of recommendations, and will continue to work with Michelle as I go forward” - JR Glenn

Here is what you will get:

  • Creation of your own training principles in order to guide decision making
  • Organizational strategies to improve effectiveness and efficiency
  • Personal and professional direction towards creating a career path
  • Access to valuable educational, professional, and personal resources
  • Accountability for individualized projects and goalsĀ 
  • Discussion around clients and athletes, exercise selection, programming, and lessons

Here is what to expect:

  • Monthly or biweekly video calls
  • Focused attention on personal and professional goals
  • Unlimited email and communication
  • Access to the Strategy Course Group Classroom content during the mentorship
  • Access to the MBT Exercise Database
Yes, I want more for myself

Interested in a private mentorship, but aren't sure if it's right for you?

Schedule a call with me and discover if we would be a good fit to work together.

Contact Michelle

Submit your information and Michelle will follow up to schedule a FREE Discovery Call.