Program Design: Embed Testing.

training outcomes Apr 26, 2020
Embedding testing in program design can be used an assessment of progress.
Are you improving or staying the same? …fear staying the same. 
  • 3-10 RM testing
  • Perform sets to own volition (example: perform sets of 3 until client chooses to stop or can’t maintain) 
  • Density blocks: Number of reps within a timed set or number of sets within a specific duration
  • Open set: client performs reps to own volition
  • Set duration of time and record distance completed on mode of fitness equipment (example- distance in miles completed in 6 minutes on airdyne)
  • Set specific distance and record time to completion (example- time to climb 300 feet on versaclimber) 
  • Record vertical jumps in warm-up routine
  • Timed circuit: record total volume or time to complete 



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