Coaching: Perception, Context & Perspective.

coaching Apr 26, 2020

Coaching: Perception, Context & Perspective.

“More awareness translates into greater survivability” (Lipton, 2015)

“We don’t see things as they are, we see things as WE are.”

Perceive: become aware or conscious of (something) or to interpret (someone or something) in a particular way. Self awareness is the conscious knowledge of one’s own character, feelings, motives, and desires. There is a difference between how you perceive yourself (a false perception can differ from who you actually are), how you think others perceive you, and how they actually perceive you. 

Context: the external circumstances of the present moment and your internal state that has been influenced by past experiences. If context is different, your perception is different, thus your responsiveness is different. 

Coaching is both understanding how to best interact with others that may have a different perspective than you and being aware of your own behavior. All are needed to assist in the goals of the athlete/ client.


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