The template will provide you with a 12 week training program structure, while allowing you the flexibility to embed your own choices for exercise selection.
An example 12 week training program is also included which shows you how to embed videos into the template for a full training system you can use with your clients and athletes! The training program contains a overview program explanation and a 3/2 weekly split (3 resistance training days and 2 conditioning).
The program template includes a progression through tempos (timed duration), volume, and planes of motion.
The primary goal is to build strength, cardiorespiratory capacity, and movement variability. Secondary elements of progress include speed, power, and hypertrophy.
The focus of a template is to provide structure while adapting to any client or athlete relating to logistics such as equipment and time, personalized goals, and flexibility within every context.
This program template is perfect for trainers who want a template to apply to various fitness or performance clients.
Please note: This product is a digital download via email immediately after purchase.